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World Continence Week 2019

World Continence Week is 17-23 June, and this year Continence NZ is encouraging New Zealanders to get involved by having a ‘wee chat’.

Our 2019 campaign features a video from amazing Auckland mum and grandma Emma, who is speaking out about her own incontinence journey to try and spark others to break through the taboo and have a ‘wee chat’ of their own.

It’s crucial that we have upfront conversations about incontinence, which impacts one in four New Zealanders and can greatly hamper their quality of life.

We’d love you to get on board by hosting a wee chat of your own. It could be a large gathering, a café get together, or an online event.

You can watch the video featuring Emma’s story here which you can play as a conversation starter, and can download our helpful resource about hosting a chat below. We are here to help so please contact us on info@continence.org.nz if we can support you in hosting a wee chat!

And please let us know about your event so we can help spread the word – and send us pictures so we can share them!

We’d also appreciate you sharing the campaign video and #haveaweechat content on social media.  


You can find some useful resources to start your 'wee chat' here.

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