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Continence Resources in Te Reo Māori

We now offer some of our most popular resources in Te Reo Māori 

You are welcome to download, use and share these with friends, whānau, community groups, and anyone they may help.

Don't forget you can call us on 0800 650 659 for further advice and support.

Bladder Chart: Ka pēhea taku mōhio he aha te mahi noa?


Checklist: E māharahara ana koe mō te hauora o tō tōngāmimi, whēkau rānei? Kāore i te mōhio mēnā he mate tōu?


Going Potty: Pō mimi tamariki


Top Tips: Tohu āwhina mō te haura o te tōngāmimi me te whēkau