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World Continence Week

World Continence Week 2024: Take the Pelvic Floor Challenge!

This year, World Continence Week is from 17–23 June 2024, and we're focusing on pelvic health. We are reminding and motivating you to do your pelvic floor exercises this World Continence Week by encouraging you to Take the Pelvic Floor Challenge!... more>>

World Continence Week 2023: What's Your Number?

This year, World Continence Week runs from 19-25 June 2023, and we’re focusing on healthy bowels for all by helping you answer the question: "What's Your Number?"... more>>

World Continence Week 2022: Let's Talk Tamariki and Teens

This World Continence Week 2022, which runs from 20-26 June, we’d love you to have a “Wee Chat” about tamariki and teenagers.... more>>

World Continence Week 2021: You Care, We Care Too

World Continence Week 2021 ran from 21 to 27 June. For 2021, we let anyone in a caring role know ‘You care. We care too’.... more>>

World Continence Week 2020

For World Continence Week, 15 to 21 June 2020, Matilda Green encouraged New Zealanders who need to talk about their continence to reach out to us and have a 'wee chat'. It is crucial that we have upfront conversations about continence, and to help kick-start conversations we also have... more>>

World Continence Week 2019

World Continence Week is 17-23 June, and this year Continence NZ is encouraging New Zealanders to get involved by having a ‘wee chat’. Our 2019 campaign features a video from amazing Auckland mum and grandma Emma, who is speaking out about her own incontinence journey to try and spark... more>>

World Continence Week 2018

Don’t hold on any longer – starting the continence conversation. Despite the fact one in four New Zealanders are impacted by incontinence, it’s something we’re simply not talking about. Continence NZ wants to turn that around and for our 2018 World Continence Week, which... more>>

World Continence Week 2017: Celebrating 25 Years

World Continence Week 25 September - 01 October 2017 More information coming soon.... more>>

World Continence Week 2016: Pelvic Floor Focus

20-26 June 2016 Theme: Pelvic Floor Focus Click here for more information... more>>