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Continence Service Providers / Adults / West Coast and Lower South Island

City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Dunedin
Name: Gail Hyland
Job Title: Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Email: physiotherapy@mercyhospital.co.nz
Organisation: Mercy Hospital
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: 2nd Floor, 72 Newington Ave, Maori Hill, Dunedin
Phone: (03) 467 6728
Referrals: GP's, health professionals, self referral, and any other agency
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private fees apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Dunedin
Name: Ainslie Jeftha
Job Title: Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Email: kiaora@thecorecentre.co.nz
Organisation: The Core Centre
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: 160A King Edward Street, South Dunedin
Phone: 027 834 7075
Referrals: GP's, health professionals & self referrals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private Fees Apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Dunedin
Name: Ingrid Vollweiler
Job Title: Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Email: kiaora@thecorecentre.co.nz
Organisation: The Core Centre
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: 160A Kind Edward Street, South Dunedin
Phone: 027 834 7075
Referrals: GP's, health professionals & self referrals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private Fees Apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Dunedin
Name: Jemma Kearny
Job Title: Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Email: kiaora@thecorecentre.co.nz
Organisation: The Core Centre
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: 160A King Edward Street, South Dunedin
Phone: 027 834 7075
Referrals: GP's, health professionals & self referrals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private Fees Apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Otago
Name: Chris Still
Job Title: Continence Nurse Specialist
Organisation: Southern District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: Community Services, Wakari Hospital, Dunedin,
Phone: (03 476 9500 xt 5734
Fax: (03) 476 9727
Referrals: GP's, health professionals.
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: Yes
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City: Dunedin
Area Covered: Otago Region
Name: Cath Featherston
Job Title: Continence Nurse
Organisation: Southern District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: ISIS Centre, Helensburgh Rd, Waikari Hospital, Dunedin
Phone: (03) 476 9500x55734
Fax: (03) 476-9727
Referrals: GP's, health professionals.
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: Yes
Bed Alarms Types: Dri Sleeper
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City: Greymouth
Area Covered: Greymouth
Name: Joanne Horridge
Job Title: District Nurse
Organisation: West Coast District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: Greymouth Hospital, High St, Greymouth
Phone: (03) 768 0499 Ext 2721
Fax: (03) 768 2793
Referrals: GP's, health professionals, self-referral
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Greymouth
Area Covered: Greymouth
Name: Janette Anderson
Job Title: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Organisation: West Coast District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: Greymouth Hospital, High St, Greymouth
Phone: (03)769 7400 xt 2720
Referrals: GP's & health professionals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Invercargill
Area Covered: Southland
Name: Zoe Mortemore
Job Title: Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Email: referrals@yourpelvichealth.co.nz
Organisation: Your Pelvic Health
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: 6 Surrey Park, Glengarry, Invercargill
Phone: 021 2054662
Referrals: GP's, health professionals & self referrals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private Fees Apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Invercargill
Area Covered: Southland
Name: Helen Peek
Job Title: Continence Nurse Specialist
Organisation: Southern District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: Southland Hospital, Kew Rd, Ingill
Postal Address: PO Box 828, Ingill
Phone: (03 214-5783 xt 8552
Fax: (03) 218-1194
Referrals: GP's, health professionals, self-referral
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: Yes
Bed Alarms Types: Ramsey Coote and Dri Sleeper
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City: Invercargill
Area Covered: Southland
Name: Anna Thompson
Job Title: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Organisation: Anna Thompson Physiotherapy
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: Southern Specialist Centre, 38 Windsor Street, Invercargill
Phone: (027) 502 3804
Referrals: GP's, health professionals, self-referral
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private fees apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Invercargill
Area Covered: Southland
Name: Rebecca Jennings
Job Title: Continence Nurse
Organisation: Southern District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: Southland Hospital, Kew Rd, Invercargill
Phone: (03) 214 5783 xt8552
Fax: (03) 218 1194
Referrals: GP's, health professionals, self-referral
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: Yes
Bed Alarms Types: Ramsey Coote, Dri Sleeper
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City: Timaru
Area Covered: South Canterbury
Name: Karen Lemm
Job Title: Continence Advisor
Organisation: Te Whatu Ora - South Canterburt
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: Talbot Park Community Health Hub, 156 Otipa Road, Watlington, Timaru 7910
Phone: (03) 687 2310 x8918
Referrals: GP's, health professionals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
Bed Alarms Types: Provided by enuresis Clinic at Timaru Hospital - No charge
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City: Timaru
Area Covered: South Canterbury
Name: Sharyn Heath
Job Title: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Organisation: South Canterbury District Health Board
Service for adults/children/both: Adults
Physical Address: Physiotherapy Department, Timaru Hospital, Queen St, Timaru
Phone: (03) 687 2257
Fax: (03) 687 2258
Referrals: GP, other health professionals
Fees: (private fees or free service): Free Service
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: No
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City: Wanaka
Area Covered: Central Otago
Name: Lisa Carnie
Job Title: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Organisation: Wanaka,Women's,Men's & Children's Health
Service for adults/children/both: Both
Physical Address: 21J Gordon Road, Wanaka, 9305
Phone: (03) 443 7271
Referrals: GP's, health professional, self referral
Fees: (private fees or free service): Private fees apply
Childrens Bed Alarms Availiable: Yes
Bed Alarms Types: Dr Sleeper
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